Excerpt from Up and Down the Ladder

Talia Flanzraich
5 min readMar 12, 2022


Photo by Anne Nygård on Unsplash

Dear friends,

I’m extremely happy to inform you that I’ve published and sold a paperback poetry book on Amazon. Since Feburary 24th 2022, I’ve been a proud, driven and passionate published poet! For my entire life, I’ve dreamed of publishing at least 1 book that people can purchase and read, and that day finally came. I finally crossed it off my “mental bucket list” of things I want to accomplish and create in life.

The COVID-19 pandemic gave me a unique opportunity to follow and embark on my authorship journey, because I had more time to do so. When I wouldn’t be walking, reading, cleaning, painting, drawing, hanging out with friends and practicing some of my other hobbies, I would spend my beautiful and quiet COVID days writing poems and perfecting my craft, so I can publish my book with confidence! It took me at least 8 months to a year to decide to write and publish a poetry book. Vocal was just the beginning of my authorship journey; I knew there was more work to do! I would connect with other passionate Vocal writers and poets, and I was quite active on an online poetry community called AllPoetry in which I would network with dedicated poets from across the globe, as well as publishing my own poems. Once I was familiar with AllPoetry, Vocal, Medium and various styles of poetry, I started reading poetry to support other poets I’ve followed and got in touch with.

During the summer of 2021, I’ve managed to get in touch with an experienced, professional and talented expressive arts therapist whose worked with a few of my friends. They’ve spoken very highly of her and they were the ones who suggested that I get in touch with her and do some expressive arts therapy with her. Not only is she a professional visual artist and social worker, she’s also someone who could read my poems and help me write my book with confidence and interest. My dad and I contacted her and I finally got to meet with her on August 12, 2021. I told her what I wanted to get out of my expressive art therapy sessions and she was quite keen on helping me with poetry and visual arts. Since my art therapy sessions, I’ve been motivated to write a collection of poems and start working on my paperback book!

I’m extremely thankful for all the motivation and support I’ve been given by friends, family members, my art therapist, my behaviour therapist and poets I’ve networked with for the last couple of years. I don’t think I would’ve ever had the guts to successfully write publish a 5 star rating poetry book without the loving support I’ve received.

My friends, it’s never too late to start something you want to start. Whatever it is that you’re truly fascinated by and/or destined to achieve, you shouldn’t be discouraged from doing so.

I certainly hope you purchase my book, as your support would mean the world to me. I decided to write a Vocal and Medium excerpt that includes 6 of my poems from the book. Sit back, get comfy and enjoy the read!

Best always,


  1. Poetry

Poetry’s a life-saving hobby;

without poetry,

I’d be a wreck.

Poetry is my everything;

it’s kept me in check

for several happy years.

Poetry is my craft;

I create colouring book pages

with my words, mood and emotions.

Poetry is a deed;

I teach, motivate and rescue people

through publishing my works.

2. Imagination Island

Some days,

I want to retreat

to Imagination Island,

because I don’t want

to live in reality.

Reality can be

a pain in the butt

to dwell in,

so I like

to take myself

to Imagination Island.

In Imagination Island,

I can meet,



and discover

whatever I want, whenever I want.

3. Fame

Fame is a valuable present

I won’t discard and ditch.

It’s a treat to be popular,

So I’ll enjoy every bite of it.

It’s a luxury to be well-known,

not something to grab and run with.

4. Creative Powers

Problem solving is only practical

if I keep utilizing

my innovative powers.

Creativity’s an elixir

I need to apply

to each challenge I tackle.

5. Nirvana

In a state of nirvana,

I’m in an alternate universe

I want to exist in.

These shrines and temples

embrace me

like a noble worshipper.

I focus on my breath,

levitate in oceans,

and enjoy glimpsing God’s artwork He exhibits.

6. Nightmares

Kidnapped in my sleep

and taken into a dungeon;

I’ve been owned!

There’s no light to be detected

in each section I pass by;

all the cells are pitch black.

Dreams of death, loss, oppression

and experiencing terminal illness

spook me as I snooze.

Falling into a rabbit hole

and being trapped in it;

I’m out of oxygen.

AAAAHHHH!!! I’ve been possessed

by bed ghosts and house goblins;

come save me before I get attacked!

Was I slaughtered?

Was I terminally ill?

Did I lose any loved ones?

Was I really abducted in my sleep?

Nope! They were just nightmares

that have been plaguing me

for the last several nights.

Photo by Simon Waelti on Unsplash

Thank you for taking the time to read my excerpt. If you loved reading these poems, please press the “clap button” and show your support and appreciation by sharing this story with others. To find and read more of my Medium publications, please consider following me and you’re more than welcome to visit my public profile. Please feel free to connect with me outside of Vocal and Medium. Stay tuned for upcoming works and cheers to all my friends on Vocal and Medium!

Vocal Profile: Talia Devora

IG Profile: @tdwrites24

FB: Talia Devora

AllPoetry Profile: https://allpoetry.com/Talia_Devora

I invite you all to click on this link to view and purchase my paperback poetry book “Up and Down the Ladder”!


Photo by Meritt Thomas on Unsplash

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Talia Flanzraich

Hello! I'm currently studying to obtain my Recreation and Leisure Services diploma at Seneca College in Canada